We hope you are staying well this year.
 The tax deadline for 2025 is April 30th. Our aim is to ensure that we are able to meet this deadline for all of our clients while at the same time safe-guarding you, your families and our staff. As part of our ongoing security measures to protect your personal information, Koster, Spinks & Koster LLP is once again providing a secure, on-line document service to which you can upload your T1 documents. We strongly encourage that you consider this option, as this is the most secure means for us to transfer information back and forth. We no longer recommend the use of email to transmit documents containing Personally Identifiable Information. Please wait until you have the majority of your documentation prepared before uploading it to us, and make every effort to upload your documentation in one batch, as opposed to one slip at a time..
 If you would like to drop off your information, please leave it in our new secure document dropbox inside the front door at 4 Glengrove. Please ensure that the documents are in a sealed envelope and clearly labelled with your name and the name of your KSK accountant. This box will be checked regularly by staff.
 If you have any questions or wish to discuss your tax return(s), please contact your respective partner. We are once again allowing meetings in one of our conference rooms, and we can still meet with you by telephone or virtually.
 Please note we will be retaining original copies of the slips (if we are provided with them) and will only return the originals and paper copies of the returns if you request them. If you do request a paper copy, one will be provided to you after the April 30th deadline.
 It is imperative that you provide us with your T1 information as soon as you have it complete, in order to ensure we are able to meet this year's filing deadline.
 Please do not come to the office to drop-off documents if one of the following applies to you:
 • If you are experiencing any COVID19 symptoms or are feeling unwell, please do not enter the office and consider one of the other options.
• If you have had close contact with someone who has tested positive or you yourself have been tested and are awaiting results.
• If you or anyone in your household has been advised to quarantine for 5 days.
 We are no longer requiring masking, however feel free to wear one. If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our ultimate aim is to meet the April 30th deadline for everyone, while at the same time ensuring that everyone is healthy and safe!